Friday, February 24, 2006

goin campin.....

Its Friday!!!! the day before the long weekend , the day before Mardigras.......and guess what we are plannin to go for camping this that doesn't mean we will not be there in new orleans for comin back to campin....well if everything goes as planned we will be leaving today evening....and be back by sunday afternoon...its a 4 hr drive from my place.......its our first these are the few things we are ready with ......tents ,sleeping bags , barbeque grill, wood for campfire , food stuff , mosquito repellants , reserved a cabin , a cd player with loads of cds .......wat else did i forget something?


Anonymous said...

weather chuskotamu marchipoyaru...

Anonymous said...

mee posts chaala bagunnayi....I liked the blog......keep going.....